In the first month of the first year of the new friggin' century, a little foundling is given his name: Nineteenhundred, or 1900 in short. It marks the beginning of a beautiful tale.
Mean Creek is about a group of teens taking a bully to the outback to take revenge for his bullying, but something happens and things spiral out of control.
Come Back, Little Sheba is a story about loneliness and the joys of being young that are never coming back again. Except maybe just a little glimpse every now and then.
A letter is sent to three wives. A fourth woman, Addie Ross, stole one of their husbands. But which one? They will find out at the end of the day, when one of their husbands will not return home to them.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013) tells the oldest recorded tale in Japanese history. Directed by Isao Takahata, known for Grave of the Fireflies. Simple 2D animation, but one of the most beautiful animated films ever created.
Sansho the Bailiff: A mother is separated from her children before being forced into prostitution. The children are sold as slaves. Can they ever reunite?
Millennium Actress tells the life story of an old film star through the story of a key to the most important thing there is. Beautiful romantic drama.
Die Nibelungen is a 1924 German epic by Fritz Lang. It tells the legend of Siegfried, Kriemhild's Revenge and the Nibelungen.
David and Lisa is an unusual story of two mentally ill people trying to make sense of the world, themselves and each other.
The Naked Island tells of a family who live on an otherwise deserted island. Their main concern is getting fresh water to grow what passes for crops.
The Beautiful Country tells the story of Binh, a Vietnamese boy who sets out to find his long lost American father.
Viridiana is a nun who is ordered to meet her uncle before taking her final vows. A Buñuel masterpiece so disturbing Franco thought it necessary to ban it.