The Naked Island tells of a family who live on an otherwise deserted island. Their main concern is getting fresh water to grow what passes for crops.
Ernest and Celestine is a lighthearted, funny animated film. Featuring a bear and a mouse, what - besides everything - could possibly go wrong?
The Beautiful Country tells the story of Binh, a Vietnamese boy who sets out to find his long lost American father.
The Best Offer (2013) is a visually stunning film about old art, auctioning, mystery, love and an automaton. Musical score by Ennio Morricone.
Viridiana is a nun who is ordered to meet her uncle before taking her final vows. A Buñuel masterpiece so disturbing Franco thought it necessary to ban it.
Häxan is a silent film and an early horror classic. Its sub-title is Witchcraft Through the Ages. It shows torture, witch hunts, superstition and more.
Circles is a story of how one deed has rippling effects. Set mostly in Bosnia and Serbia, it shows some of the aftermath of the 90's war.
White Heat is a story of betrayal and more betrayal. Cody and his band of thugs are chased by the police for murder and robbing a train.
Short Term 12 is a beautiful, moving indie film that deserves a lot more attention than it has been getting. Please help spread the word!
The Human Condition. Three great films that, when combined, make up the best trilogy ever made. About war, suffering, pacifism and socialism.
In this rather long read (~4.600 words, ~20 min) I’d like to share some of the thoughts and ideas that […]
Kanal. Retreating from the hell of war into the Warsaw sewers might just be even worse than fighting a hopeless battle above ground.