Sansho the Bailiff: A mother is separated from her children before being forced into prostitution. The children are sold as slaves. Can they ever reunite?
This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. Ever wondered which of the Golden Age actors and actresses were still going strong? I did, so after some searching this is what I came up with.
Angel's Egg is the strangest film I have seen to date. It comes with a beautiful soundtrack and eerie scenery. A masterpiece in the category of conceptual art films.
Millennium Actress tells the life story of an old film star through the story of a key to the most important thing there is. Beautiful romantic drama.
Die Nibelungen is a 1924 German epic by Fritz Lang. It tells the legend of Siegfried, Kriemhild's Revenge and the Nibelungen.
So what would happen when gravity works the other way around, but not for everyone? Patema Inverted covers all angles to the topic with great success.
David and Lisa is an unusual story of two mentally ill people trying to make sense of the world, themselves and each other.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is about a female protagonist trying to save the world from destroying itself. Beautiful animation.
La Antena is a surreal 21st century Argentinian Sci-Fi silent film by Esteban Sapir, with stunning visuals and beautiful music.
Woman in the Dunes. Existentialism at its best. Do you live to move sand, or do you move sand to live? Sensual B&W thriller.
Les Diaboliques is without doubt the most suspenseful film ever created. It is creepy, exciting and after almost 60 years does not feel one bit dated.
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance stands for great acting by James Stewart, John Wayne, Vera Miles and more, and a wonderful story from the Wild West.